Hi, my name is Laura ("Hi, Laura!") and I'm a food-a-holic.
Thank you to everyone who helped me through a rough day yesterday, you were all really great! I was in a little bit of a slump and my family & friends kind of picked me up and carried me through it. It is really amazing what a supportive community can do for your will power. I think God must have invented churches for the same reason. Not one person in any congregation in the world is in any way perfect, but when one person is struggling, the others come forward and share what they have learned from their own successes and failures. The same is true for most of us - we are not perfectly healthy people and we all have our weaknesses, but when one person is having a hard time (this time, me) you all just came forward and shared your similar experiences and how you made it out to the other side. It's really inspiring!
So far, today has been pretty great. The weather is gorgeous, I've been running errands and checking things off my "To-Do" list, I got my car washed and supported a local cheerleading squad, and now I'm here. The only fly in the ointment (great word, huh? Ointment) is one of my errands was going to the new Cupcake Co. on Tennessee Street to pick up cupcakes for a party we're having at church tomorrow. Now I'm typing this post and they're down the hall in the refrigerator yelling, "Laaaaauuuura! We're heeeeeeerrrrre! Come and eeeeeeeaaaaaaattttt us!!!!" Delicious little devils! I know that some of you encourage me to have a little of what I'm craving so that I don't feel deprived, but the reality is, if I take one little bite of one of those heavenly little concoctions, I will have to take another bite and then another until it's all gone, and then I will want another one later today and then one at the party tomorrow too! I KNOW I will have one at the party, so I must deprive myself today. Tomorrow will be my reward for self deprivation. But WHY did God give food the ability to speak to us? Why couldn't it all just be mute, quiet, silent in the cupboards and fridges? Just sit there and look yummy and we'll come to you when we're good and ready! Just SHUT UP for crying out loud!
My prayer for this process is that my ability to hear the voices in my food (no, I am not schizophrenic) will begin to wane after some time goes by. Eventually it will not have the pull it has on me right now and I will be able to walk past a plate of beautifully decorated cupcakes and barely even notice them. Prayerfully, I will have replaced my food addiction with an exorcise and play out-of-doors addiction, and I will be free of this frustrating tie I've got to the junk that goes in my stomach!
So for the time being, I'm gonna make like a tree and leave!
I'm a 37 year old woman who has struggled with her weight since puberty. I've had it! I'm ready to lose. The only problem is, I need people to hold me accountable. So, I've decided to be accountable to you. I will share my successes, my failures, and all the funny things that happen in between and I hope you will share your weightloss journey with me as well.
Welcome to my Weight Loss Experiment!
I need to lose weight and I need help doing it. I'm hoping you will want to be a part of this year long process. I've decided to blog every day for the next 365 days about the successes and failures of my overweight life. Feel free to comment, encourage, criticize and share your own experiences with WEIGHT LOSS IN A FAST FOOD WORLD!
Working in a Soup Kitchen in Washington D.C.
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Hi Laura. You are doing fine. Everyone has good and bad days. Even me, the one who claims to know it all (hee hee) has been gaining the last 3 days but I won't let that get me down. I had myself a hard workout and should reap the benefits of that in a couple of days. For you, can you choose not to bring home tempting foods? You can't hear cupcakes if they're miles away! Believe me! And please don't use the word "deprive." It comes down to choices. You are choosing not to consume it just as you are choosing to consume it tomorrow. That's a great thing to be doing and saying. Good luck with the party tomorrow! I may or may not be there.