I want to lose 15 lbs a week like they do on The Biggest Loser. You might say to me, "Well, Laura, you should sign UP for The Biggest Loser." Yes, yes, that makes the most sense, right? I mean, then I would have Jillian Michaels right there yelling in my face for weeks on end; I would have personal chefs cooking for me and teaching me how to cook and eat healthy, I would have doctors on hand at all times to make sure I'm not having a heart attack or stroke; and so on... Only problem is, should I go on that show, I would have to stand on the worlds largest scale wearing the exact outfit no overweight human being should ever wear in public OR in private - spandex pants and a sports bra. You think posting your weight on a blog would be humiliating! I absolutely refuse to stand on a platform in front of God and my future husband (whomever he may be) squeezed into two sausage casings, spilling out to the four corners of the world. No thank you!
Instead I will have to be satisfied with losing 1-4 lbs a week in the privacy of my own home. That's okay. I can live with that. Besides, this way I can keep my job AND I'll re-learn how to be healthy in my own environment.
Yesterday turned out to be a pretty successful day, all in all, though I did not exercise. But, in this case I do not apologize. I was pretty sick. Remember how I said in yesterday's post that my back hurt? Turns out I have a kidney infection. Holy MOLEY did that thing hurt! Needless to say, I was doing pretty well just lying on the couch (I couldn't even go to bed because my $200 King sized mattress and box spring were so lumpy that it hurt me even more.). Thankfully, the medicine seems to be working and the pain is subsiding. On the other hand, I feel like I've been on a Benadryl drip for 24 hours because my power went out in the storm last night and I had to sleep without my CPAP machine (yes, I know - I live a very glamorous life!). I WAS able to fall asleep without it, but while I was out I apparently held my breath for 5 out of the 6 hours I revelled in nocturnal slumber. Sleepy is my middle name.
Oprah has taught me, however, that when life seems to be too hard, just count your blessings, so here are some of mine - I lost more weight, the storm did not take it upon itself to redesign my roof and give me an unwanted sky light, I made it to work today AND got a hot shower this morning, I had a delicious Weight Watchers meal at Sweet Basil Cafe today, and I'm going to see the movie The Bridesmaids with a bunch friends tonight.
Thank you, Oprah, I feel so much better now!
I'm a 37 year old woman who has struggled with her weight since puberty. I've had it! I'm ready to lose. The only problem is, I need people to hold me accountable. So, I've decided to be accountable to you. I will share my successes, my failures, and all the funny things that happen in between and I hope you will share your weightloss journey with me as well.
Welcome to my Weight Loss Experiment!
I need to lose weight and I need help doing it. I'm hoping you will want to be a part of this year long process. I've decided to blog every day for the next 365 days about the successes and failures of my overweight life. Feel free to comment, encourage, criticize and share your own experiences with WEIGHT LOSS IN A FAST FOOD WORLD!
Working in a Soup Kitchen in Washington D.C.
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