I have a new toy that is making this weight loss thing just a little bit more fun. You know how they say in the commercials, "There's an app for that?" Well, they are NOT kidding! I have a new app on my Droid called myfitnesspal and it helps me keep a log of everything I eat, all of the calories and nutrients I'm supposed to eat each day, and all of the exercise I do as well. I told it what I weigh, how tall I am, how much I want to lose total, how much I want to lose each week, and how active I am on average through out the week. Then it told me how many calories I should eat each day to reach my goal. Each day, as I enter each thing that I consume, it subtracts those calories from my daily allotment. SO cool! And so easy! It even has a bar code scanner so you don't actually have to type everything in by hand - you know, to save time. On top of all that, it keeps track of all of my daily nutrition, so I know if I'm consuming too much fat, salt, carbs, etc each day. So, even though I haven't had time to sit down and blog this week, I've at least been able to keep up with all my stats right there on my phone.
This week is one of my busiest weeks in the year and, as you might have noticed, I've been a little bit AWOL from my blogging commitment. That is because, all week I have been decorating and RE-decorating (because each day requires different decorations!), making copies, sending text messages, answering my phone and answering questions, running down to the basement to grab some supplies, then running UP to the 3rd floor to deposit the supplies, running out to buy something I'd forgotten, baking and decorating a cake (hence the butter cream icing yesterday!), and on and on and on. By the time I get home everyday I'm so exhausted all I do is fall into my chair and watch TV for a couple of hours before I fall into my bed and pass out. And I am having so much fun! I can't believe I get paid to do this.
In addition to the crazy hours, I'm also having trouble finding something healthy to eat when I finally realize that I'm hungry. I haven't been home enough to eat there and I've been flat broke for like 3 days so I couldn't even go out to get something. So, I've had to sort of graze on what was available at the church - basically, snack food. THANKFULLY the woman in charge of the VBS snacks has been lovely enough to get things that are sort of, kind of, a little bit healthy and not all the way junk filled snacks. She's had water bottles, baked chips, and fruity-chewing thingies made with - get this - REAL fruit! Not the greatest sustenance for a shrinking woman, but it could be a whole lot worse. Thank the good Lord in heaven, our treasurer wrote pay checks early so I can afford to eat healthy food for the rest of the week. And VBS is over tomorrow! As much as I love it, I am also kind of happy to say good bye to that wonderful week of wackiness. Four days of this is quite enough for me.
I am VERY excited about the festivities awaiting me this evening. The Peachtree Christian Church C.A.S.T. is on Tour this week and tonight they are coming to MY church. Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about, but for those of you who just had the word "Huh?" run across your brain, let me explain. My home church - the one I grew up in - Peachtree Christian Church from Atlanta Ga. has a pretty awesome youth program. Part of that program includes C.A.S.T. (Christian Acting Singing Troupe) and every year they do a play or musical and go on tour with it in the summer. I grew up in C.A.S.T. and loved every minute of it - in fact, I credit my director (Nancy Oliver) with teaching me how to be a strong public speaker. It is because of her all the hard of hearing folks in my congregation never miss a word of any sermon I preach (hopefully, that's a good thing). I can't wait to show off my old church group to my new church group and to see what kind of entertainment C.A.S.T. has planned for us tonight!
Well, it's getting late in the afternoon and I still have tons to do. I thank you all for being patient with my inconsistent blogging this week, because it just couldn't be helped. Hope you're all doing well and I will see you back here, hopefully, tomorrow!
I'm off like a dirty shirt!
I'm a 37 year old woman who has struggled with her weight since puberty. I've had it! I'm ready to lose. The only problem is, I need people to hold me accountable. So, I've decided to be accountable to you. I will share my successes, my failures, and all the funny things that happen in between and I hope you will share your weightloss journey with me as well.
Welcome to my Weight Loss Experiment!
I need to lose weight and I need help doing it. I'm hoping you will want to be a part of this year long process. I've decided to blog every day for the next 365 days about the successes and failures of my overweight life. Feel free to comment, encourage, criticize and share your own experiences with WEIGHT LOSS IN A FAST FOOD WORLD!
Working in a Soup Kitchen in Washington D.C.
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Hi Laura! Another website.... www.realage.com
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't fill out their survey, go ahead and do it right away! You will get feedback on what you need to do to improve your health! :)
I am glad you are sticking with it, I am still here and still believing in you.
ReplyDeleteOk Laura if you are going to be accountable It means a commitment of a daily or at least every other day post. We believe in you and you are being held accountable. No more sluffing us off We want to hear from you so we can help and support you. You can do this and to be honest you can probably eat and do better than you have been doing. Now I am the pot calling the kettle black but I am a tough old bitch so hang in there with me and you will succeed. I tend to tell it like it is so lets move forward witha positive attitude and a new energy Love you Liz